We support the activities of the NPO Cornerstone Orphanage.
Cornerstone’s activities are listed below.

We ask for your support and cooperation.


Cambodia is currently experiencing remarkable economic development, but the pain caused by the long civil war continues to affect vulnerable children. We, Cornerstone Orphanage, have been operating an orphanage in Cambodia since 1997.


In Zambia, we are operating a school for HIV orphans in the slum of Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, and supporting school feeding.


In the Philippines, we have been going around the Smoky Mountains, Suawan, Mahayahai, and other mountainous areas to support children’s schooling.

The Light of Eternal Agape Tokyo Antioch Church is a Protestant Charismatic church.  It is not a Catholic church.

Koenji, Suginami-ku, Tokyo
〒166-0002 Kanada Building 3F, 2-15-1, Koenji Kita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo
TEL 03-5327-5612
FAX 03-5373-1970

Sinagawa-ku, Tokyo

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