Paul Akimoto’s Unbelievable Stories #151
God’s hand works behind! A happening that showed one of God’s lessons had been completed
Paul Akimoto’s Unbelievable Stories #150
“The head of the church is Christ” is what God taught me at the beginning of my life to serve God
Paul Akimoto’s Unbelievable Stories #149
The reason why the temperature of Corinth, Greece decreased from usual 30°C to 20°C rapidly
Paul Akimoto’s Unbelievable Stories #74
What is the meaning of my first vision, in which I was standing in the middle of devastated town?
Paul Akimoto’s Unbelievable Stories #73
“I will set up praise band!” Power of Holy Spirit poured at the worship at Mount Sinai and Hakuba!
Paul Akimoto’s Unbelievable Stories #72
Why at this time? What God taught us when He stopped evangelising at the beginning of the church
Paul Akimoto’s Unbelievable Stories #71
God speaks through dream! The timing that I could speak gospel to the person!
Paul Akimoto’s Unbelievable Stories #70
Imprisoned in overseas?! The invitation for oversea mission which God stopped
Paul Akimoto’s Unbelievable Stories #68
Looked for venue for church camp! Overwhelming victory at last!
Paul Akimoto’s Unbelievable Stories #67
The result of deliverance of a spirit-powered woman who can lift ash from ashtray only by seeing